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descriptionPosting a rap? EmptyPosting a rap?

i was jus wonderin if its ok if i post a rap that i wrote
like if it is against any of the rules or anything on this forum
its got lyk swear words and the word nigga in it which i say but i mean wit no offence to anyone, its jus im nicknamed 'queen nigga' at school and my friends have been urging me to write my own rap and stuff, u know as a kind of joke of me bein an actual rapper n stuff but im not too sure if its any good and i was wondering if anyone can give me some feedback on it n stuff
is it against the rules? or will anyone feel offended by it? or not want me to put it up with valid reason?

descriptionPosting a rap? EmptyRe: Posting a rap?

No, it's ok... you can post it but do it in the "ANYTHING ELSE" section please.



ยป Sean Paul Lovers Forum Administrator | Since 2007 And Beyond
INSTAGRAM: fede.deblasio

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